Interdisciplinary Teaching of Natural Science Training Courses
DOI:საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Interdisciplinary Teaching, Integration, Professional Knowledge and Competenceანოტაცია
Georgian sailors hold leading positions on the world market. Therefore, they need to be thoroughly trained and successfully integrated into international transport systems. The presented paper describes the introduction of interdisciplinary teaching, which is the basis for the success of the set goal. The introduction of this method of training will have a positive impact on the process of acquiring professional knowledge of a sailor and the formation of his personal qualities. It is well known that understanding most of the issues related to a sailor’s professional activity is based on knowledge of the laws and theories of natural sciences, elements of higher mathematics, digital technologies, the use of alternative energy, environmental safety and others. The acquired knowledge should be used by the student both in the educational process and in future professional activities. The model of interdisciplinary training of sailor training allows to achieve the professional competencies that are formed in the student in the process of learning and training. Competence is the ability of a sailor to apply in practice the knowledge gained in the learning process and properly formed skills.