Importance of GHS in Seafarers Education



საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Global Harmonizing System (GHS), Chemical Hazardous Classification, Communication, Labeling, Symbols/Pictograms, Safety Data Sheets (SDS)


Global harmonized system (GHS), relating to hazard chemicals, is a process of making regulations among countries uniform to the extent possible so as to benefit an industry to export its product to several countries with one communication system.

On one side, the system is helpful to develop communication as labeling and material safety data sheets, and on the other side is helpful for personal in the industry (including manufacturer, chemical carrier, Ports, Terminals, Ships, laboratories) to properly handle chemicals with covering all safety rules.

Such international guidelines are believed to be the most reliable information so that USERS of hazard chemicals is confident enough in handling, storage, segregation, disposal and using.

The current article has two goals. Firstly, is to extend the awareness and understanding the main principles of GHS system, their guidelines, and how the hazard chemicals are being classified, communicated as labels, symbols, pictograms, hazardous / precautionary statements and material safety data sheets. Secondly, is to establish the importance of implementing of GHS in curricular of bachelor students of maritime specialization, significance of increasing their awareness, knowledge and understanding in hazardous communication and understanding of hazard identification and risk management of different cargos, which is the part of ISM code and MSC 286(86) requirements.




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

Kurshubadze, N. (2021). Importance of GHS in Seafarers Education. საქართველოს საზღვაო სამეცნიერო ჟურნალი, 1(1), 117–130.


